How to review NPartions CLM Configuration

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This document explains how to review your nPars memory configuration.

How can I review the memory assignments to each nPar

Use the parstatus command. See the below example:

# parstatus -p 1 -V
Partition Number       : 1
Partition Name         : fcchp207
Status                 : Active
IP Address             :
Primary Boot Path      : 0/0/0/3/0.6.0
Alternate Boot Path    : 0/0/0/3/0.5.0
HA Alternate Boot Path : 0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0.0
PDC Revision           : 16.11
IODCH Version          : 5e40
Cell Architecture      : PA-RISC
CPU Compatibility      : 24128-PA
CPU Speed              : 750 MHz
Core Cell              : cab0,cell0
Core Cell Choice [0]   : cab0,cell0
Total Good Memory Size : 16.0 GB
Total Interleave Memory: 16.0 GB
Total Requested CLM    : 8.0 GB
Total Allocated CLM    : 0.0 GB

                        CPU     Memory                                Use
                        OK/     (GB)                          Core    On
Hardware   Actual       Deconf/ OK/                           Cell    Next Par
Location   Usage        Max     Deconf    Connected To        Capable Boot Num
========== ============ ======= ========= =================== ======= ==== ===
cab0,cell0 Active Core  4/0/4   16.0/0.0  cab0,bay0,chassis0  yes     yes  1

Notes: * = Cell has no interleaved memory.

                                 Core Connected  Par
Hardware Location   Usage        IO   To         Num
=================== ============ ==== ========== ===
cab0,bay0,chassis0  Active       yes  cab0,cell0 1

  • NOTE: See the 8GBs assigned to CLM on npar1 from 16GB available on nPar 1.

HP-UX 11i Version 1 (B.11.11) does not support using CLM. Before booting HP-UX 11i Version 1 on an nPartition, you must ensure that the CLM parameter for each cell in the nPartition is set to zero (0). Although you might be able to boot HP-UX 11i Version 1 on an nPartition with CLM configured, any memory configured as cell local is unusable, and such a configuration is untested and unsupported.

HP-UX 11i Version 2 (B.11.23) and HP-UX 11i Version 3 (B.11.31) support using CLM. The optimal CLM settings depend on the applications and workload the OS is running.

Setting CLM Cell Attributes

To modify cell attribute values, use the parmodify -p<partition> -m<cell:[type]:[use]:[fail]> command and specify the new attributes for a cell as part of the -m option. The -m option differs slightly between nPartition command releases.

You must specify both the nPartition (-p# where # is the nPartition number) and the cell (-m#... where # is the cell number).


For the Original nPartition Commands, the parmodify command's -m... option is as follows:

-m cell:[type]:[use]:[fail]


cell The cell to be added to the nPartition. You can specify the cell in global (cell) format or in hardware location (cabinet/slot) format.
type The cell type: base is the only supported cell type and it is the default.
use The cell use-on-next-boot value: y or n. Use y (the default) if the cell is to be an active member of the nPartition, or use n if the cell is to remain an inactive member.
fail The cell failure usage: ri (reactivate with interleave) is the only supported failure usage policy and it is the default.

For details, refer to the parmodify(1M) manpage.

For the Enhanced nPartition Commands, the parmodify command's -m option is as follows:

-m cell:[type]:[use]:[fail][:clm]

Where the cell, type, use, and fail attributes are the same as supported by the Original nPartition Commands.

The clm value specifies the amount of memory that will be configured as cell local memory for the cell.

Memory configured as cell local memory only can be used by operating systems that support it. Any memory configured as cell local memory is unusable when an nPartition runs an operating system that does not support it.

Cell Local Memory Specification

You can specify the clm value in either of two forms: percentage or absolute amount of memory.

  • Percentage cell-local memory (CLM).
 The percent number can be any number in the range 0-100 with a suffix of %. This number is rounded to 12.5%, 25%, 37.5%, 50%,
 62.5%, 75%, 87.5% or 100%. If the cell contains less than 4 GBytes of memory, then the percentage is rounded to 25%, 50%, 75% or
 100%. Percentages are rounded up or down to the nearest value, but are not rounded up to 100%.
  • Absolute CLM specification. (The default.)
 The absolute number is interpreted as an absolute number of gigabytes of memory and can optionally have a suffix of GB. As needed,
 an absolute CLM specification is rounded up to the nearest 0.5 GBytes.
 If the clm value is rounded, the command reports the final value used. For details, refer to the parmodify(1M) manpage.

Reboot the nPartition to use the cells' new attribute values.


From the example above we have 8GB memory on nPar1 assigned to Cell Local Memory bucket. As stated above, HP-UX 11.11 does not support CLM, so, if you want to use all the memory on your OS move the 8GB CLM memory to ILM memory and reboot the nPar with "shutdown -R" command.


# parmodify -p 1 -m 0/0::::0%
# shutdown -Ry

