Bootcamp 2.3

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Previous Section: A Typical Terminal Session

Student Notes

Perform the following steps to log in:

  1. Turn on the terminal. Some terminals have display timeouts, so you may only have to press a key (| Shift | for example) to reactivate the display.
  2. If you do not get the login: prompt or if garbage is print ed, press [Return]. If this still doesn't work, press the [Break] key. The garbage usually means that the computer was trying to communicate with your terminal at the wrong speed. The [Break] key tells the computer to try another speed. You can press the [Break] key repeatedly to try different speeds, but wait for a response each time after you try it.
  3. When the login: prompt appears, type your login ID.
  4. If the password: prompt appears, type your password. To ensure security, the password you type will not be printed. For both the login and password, the [#] key acts as a backspace and the [@] key deletes the entire line. Be careful: the keyboard backspace key will not have the deleting function during the login process that it has once you are logged in.

A $ symbol is the standard prompt for the Bourne shell (/usr/old/bin/sh), Korn shell (/usr/bin/ksh) or POSIX shell (/usr/bin/sh command interpreter. A % symbol usually denotes the C shell (/usr/bin/csh). We will be using the POSIX shell, so you will notice a $# provides a helpful visual reminder while you are logged in as the system administrator, as the administrator can modify (or remove) anything on the system.

Specifying a Password

The first time you log in, your user account may be set up so that you must provide a password. The password that you provide must satisfy the following conditions:

  • Your password must have at least six characters.
  • At least two of the first six characters must be alphabetic.
  • At least one of the first six characters must be non-alphabetic.After you have entered your password the first time, the system will prompt you to reenter it for verification. Then the system will reissue the log in prompt, and you may complete the login sequence with your new password.
  • NOTE: When logging in with CDE or HP-VUE, you may have to select (with the mouse) the field in front of login and type in your log name. Then, the field in front of password will be automatically selected if you have a password. So, you have to type in your password that doesn't appear. To correct your log name or password, you can use the Backspace | key. It is already mapped by the CDE or HP-VUE login process.

Next Section: The Shell - Command Interpretation